From Our Pastor Dr. Jeff R. Steele

It has always been my goal to do church the New Testament way. I spent my whole life as a denominational guy ALWAYS meaning to break away and start something new and different. Then I realized how old I was getting and said "Lord the time is now!" I describe our congregation as the outcasts, the misfits...the ones Jesus came looking to save. When I see a young girl unmarried with 3 kids I don't run FROM her I run TO her. People make mistakes. We want to help them! Everybody battles something and we need to help each other! We are also committed to the entire family. From the cradle to senior saints. The "widows rows" bless me because they "found" each other at Redeeming Grace. People who have NEVER been included in "church" now take up the offering and are the true trophies of God's grace. Our associate pastor, youth pastor and worship pastor are all young men I've had the chance to mentor since sixth grade and one since birth! I trust them all implicitly. Our youth are led by two married couples and our Worship pastor. They are surrounded by fine men and women. Lot's of young people, middle age and senior saints make up Redeeming Grace Church. We're all human, we're all broken...we all need Jesus to come and take away our pain. Every service is an event! A Jesus event! The music is unbelievable as God moves in as we give the glory due His name. Come see what all the excitement is about. Judgment stops at the door!
Pastor Jeff
Pastor Jeff